Post Production Audio

Audio Repair, Audio Editing, Sound Design, Mixing and Mastering
Editing & ADR
Production Mixing
Production Mastering
Music Composition


Sound for Film, Television and Broadcast.

Audio post production services

We are a professional post-production studio that specialises in providing high-quality audio services. We’re dedicated to delivering exceptional audio solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs and exceed their expectations.

Whether you need audio editing, sound design, dialogue editing, mixing and mastering, or audio restoration services, we have the expertise to take your audio project to the next level.

Outstanding results, quick turnaround times, and competitive pricing, making us the go-to choice for all your audio post-production needs.

We work with people just like you.

Sound for Film, Television and Broadcast.

Audio Editing

Editing for Film, Television and Broadcast.

We can edit your audio files to remove any unwanted background noise, clicks, pops, or other imperfections.

Our team uses the latest audio editing software to ensure that your audio is polished and professional.

Sound Design

Sound Design for Film, Television and Broadcast.

Sound design is an essential part of the creative process of visual and auditory media such as film, television, video games, virtual reality and much more.

We work closely with our clients to understand their vision and provide customised solutions that exceed their expectations.

Whether your project needs subtle background sounds or larger-than-life effects, we can create the perfect soundscape and atmosphere for your project.

Our services include creating and manipulating sound effects, Foley, ambience, and music to help evoke a specific mood, atmosphere, or emotion that complements the visuals and narrative of your project.

Dialogue Editing

Dialogue for Film, Television and Broadcast.

At the heart of any production lies the dialogue. This is our specialty, and we know just how critical it is to get it right.

We can help create the most natural and intelligible performances for your production. Using a range of advanced audio repair tools, ADR (automated dialogue replacement), and other specialised techniques, we can seamlessly blend multiple takes and refine audio quality to deliver the clearest and most polished dialogue possible.

We understand the importance of clean, natural sounding dialogue in bringing a production to life, and our experienced team of editors is dedicated to delivering outstanding results that exceed your expectations.


Mixing for Film, Television and Broadcast.

High-quality sound can add another dimension to your visuals, providing a richer and more profound experience for your audience.

We offer mixing services for film, television, music, podcasts, and everything in between. Combining the various elements such as dialogue, sound effects, foley, ambience, and music into a cohesive, immersive audio mix.

Whether your project requires a subtle enhancement or a dramatic overhaul, we can help you achieve a polished, professional audio experience that complements your project’s visuals and narrative.


Mastering for Film, Television and Broadcast.

Our team can edit your dialogue to ensure that it is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

We can also adjust the volume, tone, and EQ of your dialogue to make sure that it sounds natural and professional.

Audio Repair

Repair for Film, Television and Broadcast.

Quality sound can have a considerable influence on the overall impact of your project. Capturing quality audio is an after-thought and not given enough attention during production and is often neglected in favour of better camera angles or preferred locations.

This is not a problem if planned for properly, but it may surprise you to discover that what you hear plays a more significant role in shaping your experience than what you see.

We provide state-of-the-art audio repair services to restore and enhance the quality of your audio recordings.

Using advanced audio repair tools to clean up your damaged audio, removing background noise, hum, clicks, and other unwanted artifacts that can diminish the audio quality.

Our audio clean up services are fast, reliable, and affordable, and we are committed to delivering the exceptional audio quality that your project deserves.

We can fix:

  • Clicks, Pops & Thumps

  • Hiss, Hum & Rumble

  • Clipping and Distortion

  • Background Noise

  • Digital Artifacts

  • Echo & Reverb

  • Wind

  • Traffic, People & Nature

  • and much more.

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The cost of post-production sound can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the complexity of the project, the length of the content, the level of detail required in the sound design, the experience of the sound engineer, and the equipment used.

In general, the cost for post-production sound for a film or video project can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars or more. For example, a basic sound mix for a short film or video might cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000, while a more complex mix for a feature-length film could cost upwards of $20,000 or more.

It’s important to note that these estimates are just rough guidelines, and the actual cost will depend on the specific requirements of your project. The best way to determine the cost of post-production sound for your project is to consult with a professional sound engineer or studio and get a detailed quote based on your specific needs.

The length of time it takes to complete audio post-production can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the project, the length of the content, and the resources available.

For a simple project, such as a short podcast episode or a simple video, audio post-production might take only a few hours to a day or two. However, for more complex projects like feature films or long-form documentaries, audio post-production can take several weeks or even months to complete.

The audio post-production process typically includes several stages, including editing, sound design, dialogue editing, Foley recording, and mixing. Each of these stages can take several hours or days to complete depending on the complexity of the project and the level of detail required.

It’s important to note that the timeline for audio post-production can also be influenced by factors such as the availability of the sound engineer, the time required for revisions, and any unforeseen issues that may arise during the process. To get a more accurate estimate of how long audio post-production will take for your specific project, it’s best to consult with a professional sound engineer or studio.

Post-production audio editing refers to the process of manipulating, enhancing, and refining audio recordings after they have been captured during production. The goal of post-production audio editing is to create a high-quality final audio mix that meets the technical and creative requirements of the project.

The post-production audio editing process typically involves several stages, including:

  1. Dialogue Editing: The process of assembling and cleaning up dialogue tracks. This includes removing unwanted noises, adjusting levels, and ensuring that dialogue is clear and understandable.

  2. Sound Design: The process of creating and adding sound effects, Foley, and ambience to enhance the story and create a more immersive audio experience.

  3. Music Editing: The process of selecting and editing music tracks to fit the tone and mood of the project.

  4. Mixing: The process of combining all of the individual audio elements into a cohesive and balanced final mix. This includes adjusting levels, panning, and adding effects to create a dynamic and engaging audio experience.

  5. Mastering: The process of finalizing the audio mix to ensure that it meets technical specifications and is ready for distribution.

Post-production audio editing is an essential part of the filmmaking, podcasting, and music production process. It helps to ensure that the final audio product is of high quality and meets the creative vision of the project.

Post-production mixing is the process of combining and balancing all of the individual audio elements, such as dialogue, sound effects, music, and ambience, into a final audio mix. The goal of post-production mixing is to create a cohesive and balanced audio experience that enhances the storytelling and engages the listener or viewer.

Post-production mixing typically involves several stages, including:

  1. Setting levels: The process of adjusting the volume of each audio element to ensure that they are balanced and blend together smoothly.

  2. Panning: The process of placing audio elements in the stereo or surround sound field to create a sense of space and directionality.

  3. Equalization: The process of adjusting the frequency balance of audio elements to ensure that they sound clear and balanced.

  4. Compression: The process of reducing the dynamic range of audio elements to make them sound more consistent and controlled.

  5. Effects: The process of adding reverb, delay, and other effects to create a sense of space and atmosphere.

  6. Automation: The process of adjusting the volume, panning, and effects levels over time to create a dynamic and engaging audio experience.

Post-production mixing is an essential part of the audio post-production process. It helps to create a final audio mix that is polished, professional, and engaging. A well-mixed audio product can greatly enhance the storytelling and immerse the listener or viewer in the experience.

A re-recording mixer, also known as a dubbing mixer, is a professional audio engineer who specializes in combining and balancing multiple audio elements, such as dialogue, sound effects, and music, to create the final audio mix for a film, TV show, or other visual media.

The role of a re-recording mixer is to take the individual tracks that have been recorded during the production and post-production processes and blend them together into a cohesive and balanced final mix. This process typically involves adjusting levels, panning, equalization, compression, and other effects to ensure that the audio elements work together to enhance the story and engage the audience.

Re-recording mixers work in professional audio post-production facilities, which are equipped with specialized hardware and software to handle the complex audio mixing tasks. They collaborate closely with other members of the audio post-production team, such as sound designers, dialogue editors, and Foley artists, to create a final mix that meets the technical and creative requirements of the project.

The re-recording mixer plays a crucial role in the final quality of the audio product, as they are responsible for ensuring that the audio elements are blended together seamlessly and that the final mix is polished, professional, and engaging.

Post-production mastering is the final step in the audio post-production process, where the final audio mix is polished, balanced, and optimized to meet technical and creative requirements. The goal of mastering is to create a final audio product that sounds great across a wide range of playback systems, from high-end studio monitors to small headphones or laptop speakers.

The post-production mastering process typically includes several stages, including:

  1. Equalization: The process of adjusting the frequency balance of the audio mix to ensure that it sounds balanced and clear.

  2. Compression: The process of reducing the dynamic range of the audio mix to make it sound more consistent and controlled.

  3. Limiting: The process of applying a limiter to prevent any peaks in the audio from clipping or distorting.

  4. Stereo Enhancement: The process of widening or narrowing the stereo image to create a more immersive listening experience.

  5. Volume Maximization: The process of increasing the overall loudness of the audio mix to ensure that it sounds competitive with other audio products.

  6. Sequencing: The process of arranging the tracks in the correct order and ensuring that there are smooth transitions between them.

Post-production mastering is an essential part of the audio post-production process, as it ensures that the final audio product meets the technical specifications and is ready for distribution. It also helps to create a final audio product that sounds polished, professional, and engaging, and that enhances the storytelling and engages the audience.

Sound design is the art and practice of creating and manipulating audio elements to enhance the storytelling and immerse the audience in a visual or auditory medium, such as a film, TV show, video game, or virtual reality experience.

Sound design involves creating and manipulating various audio elements, including sound effects, Foley, ambience, and music, to help create a specific mood, atmosphere, or emotion. Sound designers work closely with the director, producer, and other members of the creative team to ensure that the sound design complements the visuals and narrative of the project.

The process of sound design typically involves several stages, including:

  1. Sound Effects Creation: The process of recording or creating sound effects that match the visuals and narrative of the project. This can include recording new sounds or manipulating existing ones to create unique and interesting sounds.

  2. Foley: The process of recording or creating sound effects that match the movements and actions of the characters on screen. This can include footsteps, clothing rustling, and other small sounds that help create a sense of realism and immersion.

  3. Ambience: The process of creating or recording background sounds that help create a sense of space and atmosphere. This can include outdoor sounds, room tones, and other environmental sounds.

  4. Music: The process of selecting or creating music that complements the visuals and narrative of the project. This can include original compositions or licensed music.

Sound design is an essential part of the creative process of visual and auditory media, as it helps to create a rich and immersive experience for the audience. A well-designed sound can greatly enhance the storytelling and complement the visuals to create a memorable and engaging experience for the viewer or listener.